Opinions, perceptions, senseless violence and politics have all become overwhelming factors of everyday living. The social and political climate of our world has reached a peak like never before. We witness images, soundbites, tweets, texts and post on the regular. However, we must be determined as believers to witness days of social justice, love and truth.

We must be determined to "stay woke" and and unyoked. We must stay woke to the issues of world without biases. Communities and nations are in great need of compassion in action partnered with relentless grace. We must be unyoked, deconstructing division and dismiss the lack of transparency.

As a lifestyle brand we were compelled to speak to the current state of our world through fashion. We were moved to create a piece titled "Don't Sleep" that invokes and embraces being aware and moving to action. "Don't sleep" refers to the time Jesus left his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to pray (Matthew 26:39-41). Many events transpired before Jesus's time of prayer in the garden that contributed to the disciples being tired and falling asleep. 

As believers we experience being burned out by the issues of life. Physical sleep is necessary for our replenishment and health, however, we must never fall into a state of being spiritual sleep. The word of God speaks of being sober and vigilant, acknowledging the temptations, tricks, traps and schemes present in the world. A life of prayer and being spiritual awake is essential for every believer. Jesus spoke three powerful to his disciples in the garden, "Watch and pray".  "Watch" means being alert spiritually and "pray" is the continual posture of prayer, where the power to seek and demonstrate the will of God is experienced. 

There is no better time than now to make a vow to never sleep, but always watch and pray. The world is crying out for love and justice that is found in the light of truth. 


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